I was lucky to be involved and get to contribute to something that was important, which is empowering people with software.
Bill Gates
Some very poor countries run great vaccination systems, and some richer ones run terrible programs.
Bill Gates
I have a nice office. I have a nice house... So I'm not denying myself some great things. I just don't happen to have expensive hobbies.
Bill Gates
People everywhere love Windows.
Bill Gates
I spend a lot of time reading.
Bill Gates
When Ford sells a car, a dealer isn't allowed to take out the engine and put a different one in. When a newsstand sells the Washington Post, no one can go to the newsstand and pay them to rip out the classified section and put their own classified section in - if they could, they would do so.
Bill Gates
OK, I have a nickname. My family calls me 'Trey' because I'm William the third. My dad has the same name, which is always confusing because my dad is well known, and I'm also known.
Bill Gates
If your culture doesn't like geeks, you are in real trouble.
Bill Gates
By 2018, an estimated 63 percent of all new U.S. jobs will require workers with an education beyond high school. For our young people to get those jobs, they first need to graduate from high school ready to start a postsecondary education.
Bill Gates
By improving health, empowering women, population growth comes down.
Bill Gates
In almost every job now, people use software and work with information to enable their organisation to operate more effectively.
Bill Gates
If you're a person struggling to eat and stay healthy, you might have heard about Michael Jordan or Muhammad Ali, but you'll never have heard of Bill Gates.
Bill Gates
I'm not big on to-do lists. Instead, I use e-mail and desktop folders and my online calendar. So when I walk up to my desk, I can focus on the e-mails I've flagged and check the folders that are monitoring particular projects and particular blogs.
Bill Gates